Wings 1 Full stack T4 Track — Spring boot
Firstly, I am writing the post to share my experience for this full stack track that, I have completed with Distinction in one of the cycles. and I believe this helps you too.
Let’s discuss the paper pattern — this track consists of 2 Assessment.
MCQ assessment — It will consist of 40 question and hour time will be given to complete it. Topics which will be covered are like majorly
· Dependency Injection
· Spring Task Scheduler and cron jobs
· Question upon Authorization and Authentication
· Spring events and Event listeners
· Spring Messaging
· Easy question related to Spring boot starters
· Spring MVC also may covers.
Hands-On assessment — In order to complete this assessment, you should at least have basic understanding of how spring and spring boot works. You should know how to perform crud operation in spring boot. Also, you should aware of the spring security module. Since this hands-on question will ask you how to implement JWT Authentication and Authorization which requires an Intermediate knowledge of spring security.
End notes & My experience
In the exam I learnt these topics to get it cleared. First focus up on the mcq challenge since it should be passed to sit into the Hands-On Challenge. Most of the time hands-on question will not change it will be similar be to implementation of JWT Authentication and Authorization.
In the hands-on challenge there were 12 test cases out of which I complete 6 test cases that helps me to get a distinction in it.
If you already have the above knowledge and still you are not able to clear the hands-on challenge. You can comment in the comment box, and I will help you with an easy way to implement JWT authentication which might help you to get this exam completed and helps you to cover your Digital journey.
Thanks for reading this far and I wish all of you will pass the exam.
All the very best for your exam.